The Tales of Three Thirsty Old Cats
Obtaining a urine sample Cats are not always very amenable to providing test material, and each cat used a different technique. Some cats always urinate on the way to the vet, so careful pre-cleaning of
Obtaining a urine sample Cats are not always very amenable to providing test material, and each cat used a different technique. Some cats always urinate on the way to the vet, so careful pre-cleaning of
The midnight massacre begins… and usually right outside your window. It’s the neighbourhood cats getting into a brawl again. Whether your cat is a bully or a victim, the ensuing scabs and scars may be
When cold weather sets in, it is important to take extra care of your pets by helping them stay warm and safe throughout the winter months.
Dental home care for your dog or cat can make a tremendous difference to their comfort and health, as well as your veterinary dental bills. The aim of dental home care is to minimise the
Previous Next Toothbrushing is an important part of your pet’s dental care. Here are ten tips to help you get started. Start toothbrushing as early in life as you can. It is easiest to teach
In pets, conditions affecting the eyes are quite common and potentially serious. They can range from simple eye irritations to serious and life threatening diseases. What are the signs of eye disease? The commonest sign
Dental disease is one of the most common problems affecting pets today, with four out of every five dogs and cats over the age of three years affected, the problem worsening with age. In humans,
Diabetes in Cats Diabetes mellitus is a medical condition where there is an excessive amount of blood sugar (glucose), caused by an inadequate production of insulin, or when the body’s cells are unable to use
For most cats and their owners, a trip to the vet is a stressful event. This may involve chasing your cat around the house, grabbing it with a towel and quickly trying to get it
With pressure to keep cats inside, both for the welfare of wildlife and the cats themselves, many cats nowadays are confined in flats or houses. The main problem with keeping a cat inside is behavioural
Toxoplasmosis is caused by a protozoon called Toxoplasma gondii. Most warm-blooded animals may be infected, although infection rarely causes disease. It’s importance in human health is when a previously unexposed woman is infected during pregnancy,
Cats make purr-fect pets. They are clean and independent but also playful, loving, furry and cuddly. However, the personality and physical attributes of cats differ widely between breeds, and you need to consider this when
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