8 things we do that really confuse our dogs
Dog behaviour is extraordinarily flexible, but there are some things we humans do that dogs and puppies may struggle to understand.
Dog behaviour is extraordinarily flexible, but there are some things we humans do that dogs and puppies may struggle to understand.
A behaviour change is the first thing that gives you a clue that all is not well with your feline friend.
Whilst playing tug is an arousing and stimulating game, through its established rules, dogs can learn impulse control and good manners.
CCD is a dementia-like syndrome that is similar to human Alzheimer’s disease, affecting 14% of dogs over 8 years in age.
Is your cat doing ‘nasties’ everywhere in the house except in their litter tray? House-soiling behaviour, or inappropriate elimination, can have many causes.
Chewing is a perfectly natural thing for a dog to do. Understanding why dogs chew can help you to address undesirable chewing behaviour.
There are occasions in many dogs’ lives where they need to wear a protective collar to protect them from self-harm and promote the healing process.
There are many causes of constipation, but the underlying cause should be determined – both to prevent recurrence, and to determine whether the constipation is a sign of a more serious disease process.
Dogs need exercise and stimulation regardless of the weather. On days when the weather is at its harshest, it helps to have some ideas on hand to provide boredom relief from the comfort of your own home.
Did you know that if you have a problem with your cat’s waterworks, you would do well to look at its diet first?
Fireworks can be a spectacular addition to many of our annual celebrations. But sadly they can cause serious distress to our pets.
Most blind dogs can live happy, good quality lives after a period of adjustment, since they rely on their other senses of smell and hearing to negotiate their familiar surroundings.
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